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Accelerate Your Career Digital£197
This course is a game-changer. It gives you a step by step formula to successfully climb the career ladder.
This course covers the 7 success strategies you will need to get promoted, earn more money and accelerate your career.
1. Wellbeing - Understanding how vital self-care and boundaries are. Here are lots of practical tips to help you perform at your best.
2. Mindset - You will overcome your mindset gremlins, grow in confidence and start to believe in yourself - enough to apply for the next-level role.
3. Clarity - You will get clear on what drives you, how capable you are and what it is you really want from your career.
4. Sell Yourself - You will learn how to position yourself as the best candidate for the job.
5. Visibility - You will discover how to stop hiding and start creating new career opportunities.
6. Prove Your Potential - You will learn to focus on your career not your job and how to do that by taking on next-level tasks now.
7. Growth - You will understand how to deal with set-backs, review, reflect and adapt your performance to keep moving forward.
Accessed via an online portal in bite sized junks to watch in your own time.
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- £197
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